




Mumbai is synonymous with ‘The City of Dreams’ and in Hindi we can say “Mayanagri” or “ SAPNO KA SEHER” not just for the people of India, but for many well beyond the billion strong country’s borders. Mumbai a city which never sleeps is called the city of dream.

The illusion of Mumbai has not been understood till date. Illumined city is the city of name, fame and money…all those who are entangled in their illusions…are frozen…Mumbai city is like a magic ward. There is no entrance gate in this closet, so there is a lot to wander before entering this city. After a lot of wandering, there can get invisible holes where after the great difficulty in the magic closet can be entered in the dream city of Mumbai. There seems to be closet from outside and a vast world from inside…

Mumbai is a city that will make you fall in love with it. The widespread energy of the city is profound in every breath. One may find it overwhelming at times and depressing at times.

One can easily wander his way through the city without knowing a single word of the regional language, that is the kind of acceptance and cooperation you can expect in Mumbai. Another side that you may find yourself appreciating here is the absolute glamour associated with the city.

People in Mumbai are not interested to interfere in others life as long as you don’t break the law or bother them. This city is quite safer than any other metropolitan city in India. While eve teasing and sexual harassment hardly exist in this city, they don’t occur with the same frequency as other places in the country. That same attitude gives opportunity to girls and women to live their life to the full optimum and express their views & thoughts into words and actions.

Basically, most people mind their own business. You can do your own thing without disturbing others.

It is this city’s way of life that gives you dreams you’d be ready to die for. It is this city’s charm that makes it a paradise, prosperous and appealing! It tests you and if you stand the test you win, your dreams win….if dreamer is being passionate about his passions.

This is the only city in India where you can fulfil all your dreams if you stay focused.

All the inhabitants of this dream world keep jumping to kiss the sky. The emotions of the people here are operated by somebody’s power. The mirage craving is distressed with thirsty all over here. The people here are happy with the fragrance of the musk; they enjoy the immense fulfilment of licking the drops of dew to get the aesthetic experience. The elusive talismans’ closet is Mumbai’s film Dreamland that is called “Mayanagri”!!!




One gets entangled once in search of the meaning of life, and then understands that for him…life is a struggle. To live purposeful & meaningful life, there should be a definite goal in front of humans. There must be a dream. A burning desire to show “something special”, the passion to make “a different identity” in the crowd keeps them restless day by day. But…achieving any great, goal is not a children’s game. Success is not a miracle which will prove within a fraction of seconds. Nevertheless, the goal of being in the life of a person is as essential as the rhythm, rise and origin in the attractive music are required.

If there is an elephant without a trunk, a snake without poison, no boom of waves in the vast ocean, and if there is no sizzling in the fire…So what will happen???

Similarly if there is no goal in the life of a human being…What is the purpose to live on this planet then???

The life of a human being is absolutely useless without a goal.

Damn on such a life!!!

There is also a “goal” of the ultimate life…Name, money, fame and it is necessary for them to switch their success on the peak of acting to prove himself or herself a better “actor” in Mumbai’s film city that is known as “Bollywood”. The struggle continues…

In the process of his work the struggler gets cheated by some corrupt and unprincipled elements, is exploited, tolerates insults and even goes hungry when his financial resources run dry. Yet, he doesn’t give up. And so, day in and out scores of Bollywood seekers continue to field outside directors and even actor’s house.

It’s the HOPE that doesn’t let a struggler give up. The struggle continues…


Bollywood : Game of Name & Fame

Glamour!! Glamour is something which beats our heart and glitters our eyes in this magical world full of joy and hope. Struggle for earning name, fame and money is an on-going process every now and then in the name of this mysterious world. Any one out of hundred win the race of earning name, fame and money but ninety nine out of hundred always keep on trying their destined by having hope to get an opportunity in their entire lifetime…not today, may be tomorrow.

Struggle of a Struggler’s life become extremely painful; when he goes to hit to get day and night work lobbying the ceiling on head and bread to your stomach on the streets of the city of dreams “Mumbai”. If you get a good break with great difficulty, then you have to stagger to get the number one crown and fame of fame.

STRUGGLE… Struggle after occupying the crown and the throne if someone does, history witnesses that in order to get more and more addicted he loses a lot day by day because fame is also out of such a temporary thing like prostitute does that stays at night and go   . In the same way fame comes and goes like festivals come and go one day.

To date, none of the winners have got the blessing of renewable victory. The flip side is that to lose only to lose after getting everything. There is a saying in Mumbai film industry that “heart met or not met, keep on shaking hands in it because who knows when, where and how, to whom the name of the lottery Open.”

In the days of Struggle, many producer & directors, even some actors and actresses laugh at a thin long stranger Amitabh Bachchan. But the cycle of time changed and the same Amitabh Bachchan whose voice had not been appointed by Akashwani Mumbai and was told of having the thick and arrogant voice by officers of Akashwani Mumbai, he was then disqualified for appointed as the announcer. But the owner of the heavy voice Amitabh Bachchan had not only given one or two but whole forty five years to the Indian Film industry Mumbai. He had not only worked in one or two films but also in more than two hundred films in all these years. He earned an image of an angry young man and superstar in the history Indian cinema and ruled over a decades. He is still active in work with the same passion and determination and going to make history more than ever before even today. He has created such a history in the field of acting which no one can break for the next hundred years. That’s why Amitabh Bachchan is known as the great actor of the century. Taking inspiration from the days of Amitabh Bachchan’s personality and his struggle, not one or two thousand rather more than fifty thousand strugglers are filtering the roads of Mumbai city. Each struggler is confident that his luck will also shine in his own way, today or may be tomorrow, Today’s producers & directors do not indirectly humiliate any struggler, because they also know that any of Amitabh Bachchan will become the same in the Struggler tomorrow…


Risk Factor : 99% FAILURE 1% SUCCESS


In the Mumbai Bollywood film city, there are not one or two, lakhs of strugglers are filtering the road of Mumbai instead of getting into the TV and film industry. There are some who are native to Mumbai; most of the strugglers also come from Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab, Haryana, Assam, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh and Nepal. Mumbai is the city of hope and joy but the biggest problem is to stay in Mumbai. Here people are forced to pay a large amount of rent in a slum, hut, 1 RK (one room kitchen) or 1 BHK (one Bedroom Hall Kitchen), However if there is some Jugaad (the other way round) then they are fortunate to live in the city. Although People are now be able to stay on the outskirts of Mumbai or outside Mumbai where rent houses are a little cheap as compared to Mumbai, but at least three to six hours are required to travel for work.

Well, while facing the economic crisis with the problems of living, eating and drinking, an artist is struggling to make his life successful by looking for a good opportunity. Every struggler considers Amitabh Bachchan as his idol and perceives him as God. Taking inspiration from the story of his days of struggling, with one’s having burning desire to make it large they are ready to work hard, keeps on urging to fight with a tough struggle day and night. There is no such rule here that after struggling for a long time, you will succeed. It is also clear that ninety nine per cent (99%) in this industry is likely to fail and one per cent (1%) is likely to succeed. My intention here is not to inspire someone in the direction of negative thinking, but to be mentally strengthened before running on the surface of the truth. The importance of destiny cannot be totally denied at the scale of success and failure. Here who won is the King. Here who is fit is the hit, the rest of the flop. The magical film city of Mumbai metropolitan has its own distinct shine; it has its own unique history, attracting thousands of millions of movie lovers to attract attention from its glittering charm. Success is not easy here, but once you succeed, you will get so much respect, honour and wealth that you have never imagined in a dream.

The other name of life is “Struggle”. And for actors in this city of joy and hope going through struggles, the struggle of the film world is not just about everyone’s cup of tea. Only the struggler having a tough time with an adventurous attitude can survive in this phase of struggle, the rest are there for only a few months to survive.

After losing some of their status in a few years, understanding their abilities and working out in the process of getting away from this track is a sensible decision taken by some strugglers, but one who fail to realize this understanding, then there no one other than God who is his only mother and father to take care of him. If a story has to be written in detail about the strugglers, then there is not one but a long saga could be prepared on huge number of strugglers. The tales of millions of Strugglers are not the same. There are thousands of colours in everybody’s life. There are different turns, different theories and different ideals but all have their dreams which are same. They have the same goal to make it big in the Mumbai film industry. The purpose of life is one. The goal is one…




Struggler is a meticulous affair with the revealing dark corners of the film world. This novel is the harsh reality of the film world which has been captured by the actual events and characters that touch any aspect of the life of all the struggles of the film industry. The people who deal with the exploitation with the strugglers, especially the compromise with the girls, will suffer from this novel because there are such people exits in this film world that wear the mask of a noble person but exploit strugglers coming from remote areas of the country in the open society. If such people suffer from my creation then I will be happy with the heart and will not ask for any kind of apology for their honour. The purpose of my novel is to create awareness  and try to make money from the difficulties of getting into the Bollywood to the crowd that are coming to Mumbai to become actor & actress from far-flung cities, towns and villages from India.


Apart from UP, Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Uttarakhand, Punjab and Bengal, in many villages of many states where electricity has not reached even after many years of independence, the girls and boys of the villages in their eyes dream of becoming hero heroine in TV serials or films. Taking the streets of Mumbai, this fairy-tale is the story of those strings of the strangers who come to Mumbai from are the far-flung cities, towns and villages from India and jerking their shoes in search work get through…

This novel Struggler is all about misunderstanding the glorious golden life by many young boys and girls who come to this city are exploited by many emotional atrocities and often misguide them to explore short cut paths through the path of their sexy body.

The riders of success on the peak, those who become heroes from zeros, those who catch excitements from grounds of hope, and those who do not look back, this novel present a sensational truth of those strugglers who live their life with full of struggle and hope to make it big someday.

Shikhar, Swami, Vishal, Bihari, and Abdul these are just some names but the number of those who come to Mumbai for their dreams are quite good because Mumbai is a city of dreams. Everyone has to do the Struggles. Some people struggle with full stomach and some with empty belly. But one thing is certain that many things have to be rolled in the days of struggle. Severe unbearable pain is to be suffered. Social laughter has to tolerate. The film world come back with a bitter sigh of failure in Bollywood and come out with bullets on the back with the strugglers and the border, the struggler and the army; they both have no respect in society. They both live with such laughs and foes and become abusive on their own name. Those who live near them use them very much for the sake of their calling for others, using their names, and their mischief on their failure.

Every struggler who stammers in the film industry, whether it is a boy or a girl, does not become a hero or a heroine. Then, to make the dream alive, you have to make another way out. Due to not having dream committed suicide, therefore, to keep oneself alive, daily suicide has to be done by these strugglers. Wow! This booklet is very heavy to commit suicide to keep itself alive. If such a struggler boy does not become a hero then he becomes a writer, a camera man, someone becomes someone’s secretary or PRO, someone’s make-up man. Some strugglers work in the business of supplying junior artists, some in the name of supplying a character artist, they supply girls. If someone is a struggler girl, then there are also many ways in front of her for survival of life in this city. Some good things and some bad. Something fine and something rubbish at all.

The other name of life is “Struggle”. And for actors in this city of joy and hope going through struggles, the struggle of the film world is not just about everyone’s cup of tea. Only the struggler having a tough time with an adventurous attitude can survive in this phase of struggle, the rest are there for only a few months to survive.

Have you ever thought that what would happen if the movie drive was separated from the city of Mumbai? The charm of city of dreams will end only in Mumbai. The country’s financial capital Mumbai will become lifeless in a moment. Mumbai’s public and their bunch of expectations pouring into the vessel full of expectations, someone get crossed on and someone get drowned. The priceless game of crossing or drowning is very exciting and attractive. Well…drowning or take over, it is the religion of the “Struggler” is a matter of luck but relentless pursuit to the death to proceed…



Do not you disappoint…

Do not make the mind sad…


Do not make the mind sad….

Despair will make you frustrated

By making your life zero…


Do not make the mind sad….

Sadness will steal mind

By keeping on the path of craving…


Do not you disappoint…

Do not make the mind sad…


Do not make the mind sad….

Wake up in your shining mind

An Axe of Faith…


Today’s evening

Why you all night

Are afraid to live….


Who knows!!!

When this happens,

Tomorrow morning…


You sunshine this sun!!!

Do not you disappoint…

Do not make the mind sad…


“This is Bombay Metro you look at it my boy

Metro city having Gold Silver you look at it my boy”

…Well, now that Bombay has become the Mumbai today by change in its name and manifested into a new form the time passes.

In the film “Raja Harish Chandra”, the film made by Dada Saheb Phalke who is known as grandfather of Indian film Industry, the role of Taramati’s was performed by a man named Salunkhe, because at that time no girl and woman were ready to work in the film. Dada Saheb Phalke forced to act as Taramati by decorating a man in a woman’s costume. It was the first film festival of India, which has taken more than a century to make an unforgettable history, which the whole world sees in terms of appreciation. There was a time when girls used to think that it was an insult to work in the film, and at one time it is today that millions of girls are struggling day and night to become Bollywood’s star in Mumbai. The struggle of the day passes in audition, screen test, look test, meeting and shooting, but in order to keep yourself staying in Mumbai, in order to catch a wings of its ambition, one has to fight on someone’s bed at night, in other words, it is called compromise in Bollywood language. It is a matter of time that girls have refused to work in the first film of India and today there is such a shame that producers, directors have hundreds of girls in a queue for working in a serials or film as a choice and who wants success, they can go one step further and become the choice of choice. Go and make a big hit in Bollywood but it is not that success is achieved by compromising or it is not that the girl who did not do the compromise could not fit into the industry. There is no such hard-and-fast rule in film industry about the deals of compromise. This work is accomplished with a very trustworthiness, confidential and mutual understanding, but unfortunately 99% of girls get cheated, having fake promises to get work for them to get entry in the industry only after the compromise being done, because today’s dream merchants do not have guts they can do the deal of someone’s dream according to their status and they do not even have their own position or status of their own because if they had their own status, then they would not have showed false dreams to those girls who came in this dream city in search of work by showing moves to bed. For that motive, there are many authorized call girls centres in Mumbai, and then you have to extinguish the fire of your lust there, then why defame your profession? Why defame Bollywood?

He is the man in true sense, if you compromise, then complete your deal, if it is not possible, then it is a sexual abuse and a girl can go and put him behind the bars by filing police case. In Mumbai city, such incidents happen to be heard every now and then.

Nomination of Mumbai from Bombay…Nobody knows the speed of time. Time is the master of all. Time does not wait for anyone, but people love to wait for time. Time always keeps moving. Intelligent people are those who do the right thing at the right time. Those who respect the time, they are respected by the society. But who does not recognize the value of time; slowly his existence gets gradually decreased and is only found in the soil. There are many such girls who are touching the sky of success today but there was a time when these girls kissed someone on their bed in compulsion, according to the Compromise deal…

Deal sometimes become successful and life get changed. But that does not happen with all the girls because luck also shows their importance…



The financial insecurity and fear of not doing anything, a Mumbai filmmaker repeatedly thinks about what life is all about? Incomplete in itself and a scary question!!!

What is life? Every man looks at his life and thinks on the basis of his experience…What is life is a question which has been defined in many ways by different people & societies.  Someone has defined life to win the war and then someone has given life to music as its image. Someone called life as madness, so someone compared life with the precious gift of God on this planet. Someone has regarded life as a curse, so someone has garnered life by calling the art of living a great blessing. Your own thinking…your own definition…The experience of recognizing life with its own eyes…What is this life all about?

There are many individuals in a society who are able to give themselves a kind of life which give them temporary solutions to fulfil the smallest needs of life, but the number of those people are very few who know that life is not only all about to fulfil their daily needs. The life has its wide scope far above such thinking. Life is invaluable. Life is precious. It cannot be valued in any market in the world. Ask a victim suffering from cancer setting on bed in a hospital. Or ask a victim who has got life imprisonment in a prison, the value of life. How precious is a moment of life for them? And look at yourself, how delightful are you? And the greatest irony is that the last truth of life is…death. Death for the common man is a great surprise. If the medieval period of origin and destruction is life, then what is the meaning of life?

The significance of life for a struggler is in fulfilment of his dreams when he is acting in big films, working with great actors, big producers with director, getting popularity everywhere, the newspaper  & T.V. hoarding is everywhere in the shadow whether within the country or abroad. Be thankful to him who praised his performance, to celebrate his personality, to have luxurious bungalow, to have expensive cars, to have millions of rupees as bank balance in various banks, all the things of pleasure available at any time anywhere, get the world’s biggest award…….”Life is live and vibrant all the time” In this way, a struggler feels the significance of his life in the industry. But is the life of such a being is destined for all the strugglers?


Grape vine needs dry bamboo support. The vine of the grapes is wrapped in a bamboo scattered up to four to five feet above the earth, and when the time comes, the granule in  grapes begin to appear in the grapes which later the flakes hang in the flakes, provided that the root of the grape will hold up the soil very deeply.

In the Himalayas, it is quite a strong task to climb on it which needs strong support. Mountaineers in the Himalayas need a strong rope to climb the Himalayas. If the mountaineer’s wrist is also strong with a strong rope, then the high mountains also come under the footsteps of the mountaineer.

As in a family, elders are the backbone of youngers who on every now and then can guide and cooperate their youngers. Similarly the cooperation and guidance of senior strugglers prove to be very beneficial for the new stroller who does not have any god father in film industry. The nerve-wracking experience of the old strugglers becomes a “lotion” for new struggles that are coming to make a career in the industry. Various new works of new struggles is easily made by the identity of the old strugglers. The necessities are that there is a kindness, compassion, generosity and helpfulness for each other in the minds of both of them, like the vine of the grapes with the bamboo, and wrist of the mountaineers with the strong rope in mountains. Without any cooperation, association, teamwork and guidance, any struggler in Mumbai cannot raise a flag of name, fame and identity of his own!!! 


In Mumbai, whose luck is on the way to make big in the film industry in future, it cannot be said and it is quite hard to define. Nobody knows which movie should be appreciated by the audience, which film should be rejected by the audience; the hit flop movie does not have any chemistry or formula here. No one knows that the struggler who is living on rents in one of the rented rooms in one room kitchen (1RK) somewhere, sometimes buy a one bedroom hall kitchen (1BHK) or two bedroom hall kitchen (2BHK) flat between Malad and Mira Road, and also who knows that  when one sells his flat car and commits suicide in the tragedy!!! I wish every struggler had got his future written on his forehead! Then this would have been a great thing for them. There are many all-inclusive worlds which are quite delightful; out of them there is Bollywood’s mysterious film city…There are no seven colours but thousand colours in it. That’s why these ambitious Strugglers put on his “everything” to get name, fame and money…

Moving forward to the tradition set by great actors Dilip Kumar, Rajesh Khanna and Amitabh Bachchan,  the young generation struggler come to Mumbai with the desire to become an actor like Shahrukh Khan, Akshay Kumar, Govinda and other famous stars like today’s star Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Sunil Grover etc. In the beginning, he is very happy that he will become a great actor like Bachchan, Khanna, Kumar, Khan, soon after getting a chance….he gets feeling that one day he will leave today’s big super stars in the race of acting but gradually, it seems to know him the price of flour and meal. In this world of glare, glamour, and excitement, it gradually begins to come to know his status and capacity. As per his dreams, it starts no cost to get familiar with his own position, status and capacity. Now his mind starts explaining the uncomfortable circumstances that makes him to understand the exact situation to deal with. But the irony of the film city’s magnetic attraction does not allow him to return. Then he begins to become something else “and” without becoming a hero in compulsion. He becomes character artist, writer, fighter, director, make-up artist, dress man, spot boy etc.

“Dreams comes true” comes in only in the hand of very limited blessed strugglers, my dear…


According to Indian civilization and ancient rites, many limitations have been fixed for the physical relations of man and woman. Apart from experiencing the feeling of immeasurable and ultimate bliss of physical relationship between two opposite gender, natural arrangements have been made to produce children. The enjoyment of sex is enjoyed by people covertly before marriage or social acceptance after marriage, but having the child before marriage is unethical, anti-social and insulting. Post-marriage, having a child gives social appreciation in a society. Sex after marriage is like a celebration but before marriage, this sexual intercourse comes under the category of a disgusting, malicious crime. No matter how society becomes modern but it does not openly permit having sexual relationship before marriage, but the real situation is exactly the opposite of this idea. To prevent the crime of sexual abuse, the government has also constituted several stringent rules. When a man establishes forcibly physical relations with her against the will of a woman, then it is a sexual offense. Even when Teenagers of raw age is married before marriage making physical relationship then it is also a mental and spiritual sin. But in today’s modern 21st century, such ideas are dismissed as “dakhiyanoosi baaten” which means an old inferior talk having no importance. Now try to see the issues of having physical relationship or we can say in other terms sexual intercourse or sexuality from Bollywood’s point of view…

In addition to the sins committed for physical pleasure by breaking social crimes and social norms of sexual exploitation, a very uncertain method has been in operation for the past forty-five years. Although the woman does not desire, she accepts the invitation to make a physical relationship with the man who does not force with her. There is no desire too, yet with pleasure she is ready joyfully to be in bed with him, who is neither his husband nor his boyfriend…

The most mockery of such a trend or situation is that “the so called modest method” is neither this crime nor any sin anymore…

The truth of such cases is that the girl is highly ambitious and the boy deserves it to get her to the highest point of his ambition. When this ambition and its means are in fashion, then in any sector, in any society, and especially in the world of film industry, even in Bollywood, this kind of relationship between two young bodies starts growing gradually or rapidly which are based on the formula on “Give & Take” relation or in other words we can say the slogan like “Fuck & Forget” is the very old artwork of the film industry like in the barter system that you get me the “work” in the film industry and get the “work” (that is making physical relationship) in revert.

Nowadays, many girls say with great pride that our Mumbai films only run two things in the film industry…

Either FUCK or LUCK….

Yes, one thing more,

Such COMPROMISE DEAL is not just between the two opposite genders. Nowadays such deals are being open in the middle of the same gander. Why not, my dear, if the film industry sets the trend of fashion then why not let it be done a little bit stormy.



When mobile was not introduced in India, at the time, actors from Mumbai’s National School of Natya Vidyalaya did not have to beg in front of the security guards to enter the studios to come to Mumbai. The producers, the directors did not have to bother calling them and introducing themselves. Prior to his departure from Delhi to Mumbai, his telephone directory used to have telephone numbers of some people who started working on the stage of the National School of Drama and started working in Mumbai with two hands by trying their luck. Similarly, in the film and television institute of Pune, students taking technical or traditional training in acting, directing, writing, art, sound, cinematography, etc., many times a number of special occasions, many prominent filmmakers from Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai there was an opportunity to meet the actors and other famous masters who belonged to the industry. The students of such and other theatrical institutions had a connection with a successful personality or struggling person of Mumbai through their institute which used to reduce their difficulties during the days of their struggle. It was a time when students of the National School of Drama, Sri Ram Center, Bharatendu Natya Akademi, Bharat Bhavan or IPATA had very little trouble compared to a common struggler because they could easily get some Godfather or escort them. But one common Struggler who has no distant connection to any theatrical institution far from anyone who has never seen theatre in the dream, which is common in film world those strugglers wander here and there in search a perfect guide on the streets of Mumbai for many years who can just guide them to know to how to enter in the film industry to get just a chance to show their talent…… or sometimes in search of a godfather, his shoes wore away, his life would have gone out, but the result was the same “wahi dhak ke teen path” i.e. “the same three layers of the drawer”. The poor struggler while doing struggle becomes “chu chu ka murabba” which means “marmalade of chu chu”…

Mobile before coming to India, in India, struggles were very troublesome in the film world because contacting big producers and directors was like finding the needle in the straw, but at least these distances were reduced after the arrival of the mobile, and the revolution of social sites was demanded and Standing in front of each other with the Philosophy of supply. Now there is no communication problem that was before 1998. The communication revolution has definitely given some peace in the life of the strugglers.



If you are a good writer and have exciting and entertaining stories to write and show, if you are a singer and you have the ability to make the person listening to your sweet voice, if you are a good dancer and can amazed by your dance step to your viewers, If you are a mimicry artist and can imitated voice of various artist or stand-up comedian so that if someone hear you and can’t stop laughing, if you are skilful in playing a musical instrument, it means to say that if you have any ability or skills that you can demonstrate in a big way without any hesitation, people are able to attract the attention of the people, then such artists do not have to struggle much in the industry. In the Mumbai film world there are many specialists who give break specially the newly created artists with an open mind. The problem is with those who claim that they are an actor. The number of strugglers who call themselves an actor is too much in numbers. There are some photographs or their acting video links to show who call themselves actors, who are not able to attract the person in the front. Now such strugglers cannot quickly get caught in someone’s heart nor do they get off in their heart. In such a situation, their struggle becomes a bit dry and thirsty. Sometimes it seems to be a big deal in saying myself an actor…but what can we do now…unless there is a great opportunity to show their acting skills…till then only will have to do…Struggle!!!


Life’s goal to become film actor,

Started journey from ground to sky,

Betting on dreams and troubling with Stack,

The name will remain one day,

By stamping his chest the struggler says…



A movie star does not live in the cottage; he lives in the luxurious air-conditioned bungalow on the beach of Juhu, Bandra or in any other posh locality. A television star lives between Lokhandwala and Malad in his own two bedroom hall kitchen (2BHK) or three bedroom hall kitchen (3BHK) flat which cost rupees in crores. A successful actor does not travel in the government bus, train, taxi rickshaw; he owns a deluxe car of his own to travel. The film or television star does not get the salaries of the month, but he or she takes millions or crores of rupees for the entire project or for his or her one day shoot. Struggler struggling like a stranger on the streets of Mumbai for the whole life, whenever he makes his face value, then everybody knows him, hears and talks about his presence in the industry. People from far flung areas of India come to become hero in Mumbai with the desire to live this life of a successful actor. Let’s try luck, with having such zeal in their heart; they come to cash their dream in this Dream City ATM… And this series of visits has become a rally. People are coming; they are coming and coming…

Struggler means that the artists are passionate and sensitive. It is a colourful lustrous rainbow dream. He or She is ready to do anything to get her way through the struggle and agreement. Success in films serials depends on the fate of the artist. Destiny is destined to settle or ruin the artist in many ways. On the streets of Mumbai, many of the strugglers have come to desperately end their lives due to some unfavourable circumstances. Many strugglers have brought lakhs of rupees from their village and they have become poorer by investing in the irrational gatherings here. But it is also a matter of fact that on this road there are also many strugglers who have got rubbing their shoes who have then become the “dhadkan” i.e.beating of millions or crores of hearts after acting in a movie or serial overnight. The stories of zero to hero and from sleeping on hard floor to move on to flats and bungalows can only be possible in Mumbai.

Time is precious.

Who has understood the value of time?

No one!!!



The age of happiness is very low and the age of sadness is very long….It appears to us in such a way, but in reality it does not happen. Only our senses are small, taller to that happiness. The sensation of pleasure shines and sadness creates tears in the eyes. A moment of grief is equals 100 years of happiness. The times are movable. The day of sorrow, slowly pass by one or the other. When the sun is not so much in inspection then it can save itself from being lost under the influence of darkness. Similarly, when the time has come for the light of pleasure, the darkness of pain itself will be shaken and will go away. Bliss and grief are the two sides of a coin.

In the same way, in the life of strugglers who are stigmatized in Mumbai, the darkness of grief begins to deteriorate slowly when they get little work, in the industry, their identity becomes a little bit, emerging in their areas of acting skills and there is a time come when gradually their number of fans begins to grow…

Grief is not only pain but it also explains the values of life. Principles and ideals lie in the mind of the world. Inspires to move forward with some new resolutions and this motivation works to create a mountain of freshness in unfilled mind of strugglers. It should also be kept in mind that “luck” is the most important or we can say the entire thing in the field of glamour. “Jo jeet gaya…wahi Sikandar…baki sab bander” which means the one who won…he is the king…the rest of the monkeys…

Any kind of desire should be awakened in the mind of man, whether it is majestic, vivacious or full of sacrifice. To achieve that desire, he becomes active with his mind. If he is not able to succeed normally, he starts adopting various types of tactics…whether it is related to material, price, penalties or distinction…

In spite of the frustrating efforts, he explains to his mind that this floor is not in my destiny; why should I try more in vain, and why should I spend time!!! Thinking like a citrus fox, it becomes the ultimate satisfaction for him….”Satosham Param Sukhm” means satisfaction is the ultimate bliss…His mind-set gets change towards life, he thinks that it is in his right to live a simple, blissful life by compromising truth and he understands his goodness…such understanding comes in every struggler’s life sometimes. But if he was unfortunately unable to quench or misguide himself, or he felt that if a little bit of hard work was done…a little more waiting…little more efforts to be put…then the thing would surely be on place…that thinking make him robust struggler or someday he will become the emperor of in the field of acting or he will become a martyr. But to regret, people will ridicule their martyrdom by giving them the title of “worse death than a dog”…

Young People should meditate: “What is life”


In the magazine named “Mukhta”, a special article written by me “Young minds should meditate: What is life?” which was printed in the October (first) 1993 issue.

Each young man experiences a new passion and new consciousness while keeping his steps on the threshold of adolescence. There is a storm flow in the veins of that young man. In mind an aspiration is created to make and show something special. His eyes become flooded with beautiful golden dreams. He becomes convinced of his own desires. That young man feels that just now, achieving his goal is the only purpose of his life. He thinks that till he cannot merge these dreams in himself, then he will not be able to relieve himself of the anxiety and ease of peace. The process of breathing becomes intense. He tries to put all the verses written on the history of life.

What is life? This question itself seems incomplete and frightening to all the youth. Large authors, big poets, big enlightened intellectuals have beautified life through many compositions through their creations or works.

Many people have brought life away from its true definition, bringing it on a hard rock. Someone has asked to lead life to win the battle because life is a battle for them. Someone has liked life to music. For such people, life is like a young man. Many people call life as madness, then someone has given life to life by calling them the art of achieving happiness.

Everyone has their own definition of life in their eyes,

Our own understanding,

Have our own identity.

But the truth is that living a life is not as easy as we think life is easy.

Life is invaluable. It cannot be valued in any market in the world. Is the period between life and death or from life to death is called life only? Is the medium of creation and destruction is only life? It is a great truth that death is the ultimate truth of life. It is also a great surprise that the end is the beginning.

In order to make life worthwhile, to live a purposeful life, there must be a definite goal in front of humans. If there is an elephant without a trunk, cobra without cobra pearl, if there is no boom of waves in the vast ocean, if there is no heat in the fire, and there is peacock not beautiful, then there is no pride in the life of all these, nor does anyone glorify them…Like all of these, a target less human cannot be proud of their life. The goal of human life is equally as important as the rhythm in the fascinating and intuitive music, need of rhythm, mount and descent.



The old man who has played a long innings of his life, after weakening at the physical and mental level in old age, he is less concern about the rest of his life but more about the past life. How many golden dreams were in her eyes in his childhood, how many problems he was having in the days of youthfulness, what role did he have with patience in moments of conflict, how much was lost in the depths of past days and how much did he find? Whether there are achievements, pride on himself or pride on life the way he lived, whether or not it is worthy of being do not know how many spiritual and intellectual questions would remain, that were keep on resounding to the old personality zone. What a strange irony is that at one phase when this young man thinks of his future days and at such moment it is that when this young man, the young man of tomorrow, becomes old by body and mind drops himself in the memories of his past.

The same flow of time also separates the majority of the strugglers from Mumbai away and far away. A great saying is that “the defeat of the mind is the defeat; the triumph of the mind is the victory”.

Unless a struggler becomes weak from the heart, then no one can beat him at any cost!!! But if he breaks down from the heart, then there is no such power in the world which makes him win!!! Often, in the mind of such struggler other dreams begins to grow and he accepts defeat.

So be careful!!!!

If once the mind is frightened or bored by such thought process of doing something else, a talk of something more than Bollywood, then it is a time to understand for those strugglers to say ‘Goodbye Mumbai’.

“Seene Mein Jalan Aankhon Mein Toofan Sa kyun hai,

Is Shahar Mein Har shakhs Pareshan Sa kyun hai”


 “With burning chest, why is the storm in the eyes,

why every person in this city is troubled?”

The city of Mumbai is a city of tragedies, where there is no misfortune with anyone’s dreams every day…



What happen if the hairdresser’s razor by mistake is provided to Monkey’s hand! This coincidence will be ridiculous for the monkey and very tragic for the member of the street. The beard used to razor, the monkey will misuse razor according to their intelligence. It can also cut the finger, and also cut the nose. If a person teases him, then the monkey will throw a razor and hit that person’s head or he can peel his skin.

If there is a razor in the hands of a monkey, then anything can happen. The hairdresser can forget or carelessly once, but the creator of this world, does not give any powers to any person more than his abilities, talents and education….Otherwise this right would be fatal to the person like the razor in the hand of a monkey. Thousands of students study in engineering colleges, but not all become engineers. All students who pass the exams are not M.D. and MBBS, but some are eye experts, some are expert in treating piles or some are in other fields of treatment. Similarly, not every struggler hero who does struggle in the Mumbai film industry is prepared to be hero. Some become superstars, some superstars are created, and someone becomes only the artist, if someone becomes a writer then someone cameraman. If someone becomes the secretary of a super star, then someone becomes superstar’s ‘make-up man, dress man or spots boy. Some junior artists are in the business of supplying artists to the industry or some are in the business of supplying some girls. On the strength of its fate and ability, each struggler fits himself in some channel. Those strugglers are faint-hearted who leave Mumbai after being frustrated, and some strugglers are distressed who cut the poison or down the local train and make the end of their life’s stride. Although the number of such lily-livered and premature strugglers is very less.

There is a saying that “Who has not done anything in Mumbai; think over that he cannot be successful in any corner of the world.”

The one who started doing something in Mumbai could not get out of the perimeter of Mumbai, because it is Mumbai … .the charming city … .the city of Maya…. Anything that is dazzling in Mumbai is due to the film industry only. If this movie breaks away from the city and separates it, then what will be left in Mumbai…? Nothing will survive except Baba ji ka thullu!!!



Mumbai city is a film making factory. Films are also made at Chennai Tamil Nadu. The competitions keep on rolling between Mumbai and Chennai in the film making process. Movies in every language are made in Mumbai but in Chennai only films are made in Tamil language. Similarly, in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Assam, Bihar, North East, Punjab and West Bengal, there are an average of forty fifty regional language films produced in the whole year, many of which do business in crores of crores and many Movies can hardly recover their cost or fall off their mouth. The big fortune is the producer whose films also earn profits with the cost. In Tamil Nadu, more films are produced throughout the year than in other states. In the Tamil, Malayalam and Telugu language films, Superstars hero-heroine is worshiped by giving it the status of Deity in public. Like the temples of God, the temples of superstars are built. Apart from stalls and balconies in cinemas, standing for three hours, the practice of taking a standing ticket is common in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala. The craze to watch first day first show is made only by looking at such an environment is unbelievable.

After Hollywood, Bollywood keeps its name bright all over the world. Moving a step further in comparison to Hollywood movies, Mumbai Bollywood has produced quite a large number of films that are available in Canada, Toronto, Chicago, London and France besides Russia and Dubai, Pakistan as well as millions of people in Sri Lanka and Nepal. Thousands of cine actors have ruled the audience. In the eighties and nineties, many films in many languages have managed to attract crowds in cinemas for two to three months.

There are at least one and more of the many films done each week. In a year, Hindi films of about eight hundred to thousand small A grade, B grade and C grades are formed, out of which more than half of the films are closed in the compartment by becoming half-incomplete for some reason. In the year, about four hundred to six hundred Hindi films are displayed all over the country, out of which fifteen twenty films super hit, hundred movies are so-called hits and the rest of the films super-duper flops.

This is Mumbai……

Here, the game continues to become a poverty-stricken person and from the road capital to the millionaire.

Blessed is Bollywood, and blessed is the great Idol of Bollywood!!!




Is there any such kind of person exist on this planet who does not want to live a prosperous, successful and superior life? Is there a person exist who does not have such desire in his mind that he should do something in his life, which would make him differently in the society,

Admiration and respect must be given. Achievements must be appreciated so that he can feel proud of his work.

Emotional people who are struggling to achieve any goal or achievement, they are eager to smash with all the tragedies in their path of their destination and they have a feeling that somehow at any cost, success will make their move…if not today, may be tomorrow. But will there be fulfilment of all these wishes to everyone? Do all dreams come true to everyone? Does each ambitious fighter succeed in making the hidden possibilities within him? No…Not exactly the way he wants!

A person does not achieve 100% success in any work in any field?

How do the deeds and fortune set on the chest of life, when someone turns his back and makes it successful, then makes someone fail to churn all the four and make it unsuccessful. Every person who struggles for his goal, whether it is a student, a young man, a businessman, an intellectual, a spiritual, a political person, social person and cultural person or a person related to some other work, he reaches at such a remote place where he gets confused by “what to do?” and “what not to do?” situation and gets disturbed. The ability to make quick decisions on a solid subject becomes weak. To make his dream comes true, a seeker doing meditation for a moment every time, unfortunately is so far away from his goal that his lofty passion gets turned away. The future seems to be dark and void. In a frustrated mind, there is a storm of intense thoughts, ‘What to do?’ – ‘what not to do?’ in the indistinct situation, keep fighting like this from a burdensome mind, or compromise with your real situation and destiny?

One fact is clear that success in any work is not easily achieved. Success is not a miracle that can be achieved by any mechanism or trick. Success cannot be obtained even by donation or by bail. Also there is no such eternal rule that after fully devoted to any work, your desire would be fulfilled. The only player having mind-set trying to win is unable to tolerate his defeat. The game should be played with the spirit that it is the game only…nothing else.

Humans are slaves of the circumstances. Being able to adapt itself to his situation, with a sense of understanding, can move on time with step by step. The situation of false deceit and eloquent life by hiding its true miserable situation which gets increases and decreases every now and then like morning and evening shadows.



In the battle of time and fortune, the condition of man often becomes like “chu chu ka murabba” i.e. marmalade or jam. During the development period, unbearable pain is suffered and after getting developed, it is also possible to get the enjoyment of immense bliss. Spring comes after autumn, hot weather comes after cold weather; day comes after night and happiness after sadness, stem after root, fruit after fruit blossom, milk with curd and pain with tears…immeasurable love after childbirth…In the twilight of the sunshine after passing through many holes of sun-shade…

“What has been lost?” or “What has been found?”

Some people think that they have lost a lot, found a lot and some people feel that they have not lost anything or found anything. There are also some who believe that when something is lost, what does it mean?

The eternal truth is the statement that it is wise to look after satisfaction in doing proportionately in the ratio of getting and losing. Unfortunately, the number of such strugglers and mentors are less in numbers. Especially in our Bollywood, the hallucination is so much that no one wants to become such a sensible person even if she is a sensible person by birth or inherited sensibility from his family!!!

“Santosham Param Sukham”


The world’s most barbarian creature on this earth is a human being who is also known as social animal on this planet. There can be no other creature than human beings who is full of cynicism, malevolence, and self-mortal. Be thankful to God that humans are not human flesh eaters, but their attitudes are more dangerous than this man-eating tendency. Humans do not eat meat of man; therefore they experience immense fulfilment by performing their misdeeds by mind, word and action. A person who becomes self-centred by achieving a handful of happiness, whether it is a momentary or by any other means, and when the person who is in danger having been caught up in some unfavourable circumstances is smart enough who wants his work done by hook and crook by sitting in front of God praying for his never ending desires and begging for always making him surviving in a safe mode is more dangerous than AIDS virus. Let me clear one thing that a struggler is quite far away from such self-seeking mentality…the one who has become the victim of virus of his own destiny, how can he become a man-eater. I mean to say that stigma, stubbornness and self-interest do not pass in a struggler life phase because he is close to an art rather than all these disorders in brain.

But helpless, abandoned Struggler sometimes asks question to himself, “Do all expectations come true for everyone? And also, are there dreams come true for everyone? ”

Do not let the activities of life stand on the panel of life and the fate, we do not know when its dice turn it over and give it the status of the crown and the thrown, and when it force them to leave the ground. There is no doubt about being born in the womb of future – misery, it is absolutely impossible to identify. It is ironic that no one can change the immorality of the evil. But if a struggler desires it, he can overturn this rule of law, because the world’s most difficult task is to become a successful actor and God, the toughest being in the world to give so much relaxation to Struggler, if he wants to do so, with his mountainous hard work, he can put his fortune on the limelight, he can also have more than one suns in the day and multiple moons in the night attached to his life, provided that he is not influenced by any shortcut and inviting greed on his way…

It is a matter of luck to be an actor and it is a matter of great fortune to be a successful actor.

Living your character with fullness is acting as well.

The actor who makes some other additions to his dreams is false.

False actors cannot keep themselves in deception for long time.

By adding small bricks…We can make a tall high wall…

The person who understood this fact became successful,

Those who did not even knowingly understand they get failed,

Because the hardest thing in the world is to become a successful actor, that too in Bollywood…



Struggler and his struggle…There is a hope in the mind of struggler that somewhere in future he will also become superstar and make himself big in the Bollywood Mumbai film industry like Dilip Kumar, Devanand, Sunil Dutt, Manoj Kumar, Dharmendra, Shatrughan Sinha, Vinod Khanna, Amitabh Bachchan, Mithun Chakraborty, Govinda etc. There are many people like Shahrukh Khan, Rajpal Yadav, Vijay Raj, Irrfan Khan, Nawazuddin Siddiqui  those who have succeeded in getting their destination after a huge struggle. Manoj Vajpayee took nine years to make him identified in Bollywood stardom. Same the same case of Nawazuddin Siddiqui  who took  12 years to  get the Bollywood stardom.

Those who succeeded in Bollywood became the Sikandar (King) of their destiny but everyone did not have to become Sikandar in their battle. Nominated director Prakash Mehra, Lawrence D’Souza, who had started their journey from Spot Boys to become well-known director had never imagined that one day he would write his history in this film world. Everyone has to do the struggle. Some people struggle with having their stomach full and some people with empty stomach but one thing is certain that in the days of Struggle many papads have to be rolled.

Fierce pain is suffered. Social ridicule has to withstand. Once, the person who came here in film world does not return to his hometown. Even if he returns, he is no longer a man of any work. In the film world, after returning the bitter straw of failure, the struggler and the soldiers on the back of the border ran into their home, there is no respect in the society of these two. Struggler or soldier, if your goal is fixed then you are respected a lot in society… If you fail, then you are rebuked in the society…so Struggler and Soldier have to fight a lot for victory. In the middle battle, the escape of the debris and frustrated Struggler is like the tree on which neither the capsule is germinated or used for burning. Therefore, think very carefully and decide to get recruited in the army and film.

Those who think without any rational thinking, without any strategies, just make the air casserole by moving the air one step further in air, and then understand that their second step is going to be in the marshlands. The steps taken in the swamp become life-threatening and the swamped life has a very sad story, no one else understands the pain, nor does it try to understand it!!!

Grief is common everywhere! There is thousands of soreness due to suffering!! Everyone has their own grief. Why is that? When is it? What is the treatment?

Many different types of answers will be heard from the mouth of the suffering. If someone is not getting married then she is unhappy. If someone gets married and a characterless evil woman is found, then she is unhappy. Everything is alright, so he is unhappy because of the dread of dowry misleading dealings. Some daughter-in-laws are unhappy with her mother-in-law or vice versa. If someone is childless, then it is unhappy. If someone has received mental disabilities, then it is unhappy. It is unfortunate if time snatched him from giving him a son. If there are no earnings then is not okay, it is unfortunate. Those who have immense wealth are troubled to keep them from seeing the government, and this trouble is the cause of his misery. Someone is unhappy with heart disease, and then there is sadness also due to the indiscriminate loss of the black hair in a full youth.

There is gram but due to lack of tooth, the misery is there how to eat it. There is a tooth, but it is unhappy with the rot and the pain of the teeth. There is a crowd of devotees in the temple who are unhappy and listening to their prayers, God is unhappy, then after giving the Mahapooja of Satyanarayan, there are enough donations from the host. Pundit is unhappy if he does not receive the expected fees. If someone is addicted to alcohol, then it is sad to sink everything in alcohol.

The existence of misery is like the air that is prevalent everywhere.

No one saw the wind, nor did we feel it only. In the same way, we did not see misery, we only feel it. Struggler also only feels the sadness. He cannot tell his misery to anyone because no one can understand his sadness or the reason for his misery. The reason of the misery of a struggler is laughable for the society as the strugglers often get the encouragement to take a flying arrow. “My heart does not know” he often sings, the struggler revolves around place to place because he knows that what is the right medicine for his suffering pain? And what is the right treatment?

Ur VOICE should be ur IDENTITY

There are some artist who feel bad because of their voice is not good. Some artist have bold voice some has gruff voice, etc. And they doesn’t know that how to improve their voice. For it they do many things like treatment, medicine, etc. And they face this problem. A singer, a policion, etc. in there life voice is main component. And because of the voice of any person we can judge him from a distance, like we can ljudge Amitabh Bachchan’s voice from distance. There is a quality if there voice. In acting artist need to shout, cry, etc. in different characters from this sometime there voice broke down. And they need to face many problem.

So the question is that how artist polish there voice. The answer of this question is in this video. There are tips that how u can make your voice good. So for this, u need to see this video. Because in it there are many excercise for it. So because the voice is god gifted. Everyone had there own and different voice.
So the artist whose voice is upset with there voice don’t need to do any experiment and only to do is exercise and practise. So I suggest u all to watch the video.

Thank u everyone….
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